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Joke Library:

Jokes about husband & wife relationship:

- How would you describe me?
- What does that mean?
- Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.
- Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?
- I'm just kidding!

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Three female friends meet.
One is married for 10 years. Another is a mistress. The third is engaged.
Discussed their men, at the end of it - decided to experiment:
Eac agreed to put on leather black lingerie - sexy stockings with a belt - high heels - an eye mask and so meet your loved ones.

A week later they meet again.
The bride tells: - He came home, I met him in stockings, in a mask on high heels - he attacked me and said that I was the love of his life and we had sex all night.
The mistress says: - I came to his office - closed the door - opened the raincoat - and there was leather underwear, a mask, heels - he did not say anything, but we had sex for 5 hours without a break.
The wife says embarrassed: - husband came home from work, I opened the door in leather black lingerie, sexy stockings and a mask - he looked and asked: "What's for dinner, Batman?"

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Why do men have horizontal forehead wrinkles, while women have vertical ones?
Because the wife asks:
- Where's the money? (Frowns his brows.)
And the man:
- What money? (Opens eyes wide.)

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- James, dear, you love me, don't you, darling?
- In short, what do you need to buy?

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One female friend confidentially tells the second:
- My husband has been helping me a lot for the last two weeks: taking care of the children, cooking, shopping, cleaning the apartment, washing - in general, he does everything.
- Well, you know, dear, you just got lucky. How did you achieve this?
- You see, he read an article in a magazine that if the hostess is not very tired, she is more active in her sexual life.
- Well, did it help?
- To be honest, I don't know. By the end of the day, he can barely make it to bed.

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In the midst of a family battle, the wife shouts to her husband:
- It would be better if I married the devil himself!
The husband calmly remarked:
- But that's impossible: marriages between close relatives are forbidden.

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When the light turns on in the cinema hall after the end of the film, Margaret suddenly sees her husband sitting in front of her.
- Ah, - she cries, - so this is how you watch after the children while I take care of my sick mother?!

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Family idyll: the husband reads the newspaper, the wife knits, the dog is at her feet, the fire is burning in the fireplace. The wife says to her husband:
- I beg you, don't say 'yes dear' every time the dog growls in his sleep.

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A husband arrives from a business trip abroad. His wife meets him with cooked dinner. The husband ate and says:
- When I ate in a restaurant abroad, there was a golden border on each plate. A trifle, but nice!
Then he goes to wash his hands:
- They have a naked woman embroidered on each towel. A trifle, but nice!
Wife says:
- But the neighbor's dick is 1 cm longer. A trifle, but nice!

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At breakfast, a husband tells his wife a dream he had last night.
- You see, I dreamed that I died and moved on the path to paradise. At the fist steps of Jacob's ladder, I was handed a piece of chalk and told to mark on each step the sin I had committed in my life. And when I have already marked a few steps, suddenly I see you go down...
- What, they didn't let me in?
- No, dear, you went downstairs to get another piece of chalk.

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